We have all been waiting for this moment and here it is.  All of us at JM are so excited to be back and ready to serve our community. We want thank each and everyone one of you for supporting us during the closure and we are super grateful to moving into the yellow phase.  With our county moving to the green phase, we will be able to serve you in-person again, while following the CDC’s recommendations for sanitation, social distancing, and cleanliness throughout your shopping experience.  
During this closure, our JM team had the chance to flip the entire store and bring something new to you all. When you come in next, you will definitely see the change!  You will see the whole store transitioned and a beautiful mural done by Christoper Galiyas. Chris is a Pittsburgh based artist, muralist, painter, illustrator, designer, school teacher, and children's author.  He has done work for us in the past with our beautiful Sweet Shop and other projects as well. The newest project he worked on was this beautiful mural of girls rocking their Brighton.  Each one of the girls is featuring Brighton merchandise whether it be earrings, sunglasses, or purse. We are absolutely loving this piece and we are so thankful to have this talent in our store for you all to see.  Pictured below is our new mural in JM with artist Christoper Galiyas. Pictures just don't do it justice, you got to come in and see!   
We hope to wow you the next time you are in with all our newness.   
Thank you for understanding and continuing to shop local always. 
 Please follow our temporary hours during this time and feel free to contact us at 724-863-0722 if you have any questions.  We hope to see you soon.  
Temporary Store Hours:
Monday 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
5-7* for guest in high-risk groups & immunocompromised, by appointment only.
Friday 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
 WeI hope all is well and healthy,  can't wait to see all your smiling faces soon!
Megan Cifone 
Megan Cifone